By: Roxan, Lloyd, Katie, Yasmin
            Myrtle Wilson shows Pride, Greed, Envy and lust, four of the seven deadly sins. These lead her to corruption and loss of all sense of morality. She shows greed by cheating on George (her husband) because she is very materialistic and knows that Tom can spoil her. Myrtle broke something so sacred as holy matrimony just to have luxuries and expensive belongings. A quote showing her greed is on page 37, “I married him because I thought he was a gentleman, I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn’t fit to lick my shoe.” Myrtle thought George was rich because he wore an expensive suit; she jumped at the chance into a luxurious lifestyle.  She thought he could support her excessively, but found out later that he was borrowing the suit from a friend. This quote can also be used to show her pride.

            Myrtle’s character shows lust by cheating on George with Tom, because she has a desire for his money, and thinks that he will be her way out of the valley of ashes. Again this also shows greed because once she found out her husband was not rich she didn’t care about what was wrong (cheating on her husband) and what was right.

            She shows envy on page 119, when she is looking down at Tom and Jordan in Gatsby’s car, thinking Jordan is Daisy. Nick says, “Her expression was curiously familiar – it was an expression Id often seen on women’s faces, but on Myrtle Wilson’s face it seemed wide with jealous terror, were fixed not on Tom, but on Jordan Baker, whom she took to be his wife.” Myrtle is envious of the lifestyle Daisy is able to lead by being married to Tom; she thinks she should be that woman